Tip 1

Starting from the top, a sleeveless tank top is ideal to beat the heat and bend the trend. This is the ideal way to show off your chiseled physique in a subtle way. Despite the laid back style, this is not a recommended option for sunbathing. Staying bare body is the best way to have a uniform skin tone after the pleasant break. However, you can even go for a dress shirt. Floral prints and tropical patterns are very much ‘in’ for this season, but make sure that it suits your personality. Striped patterns are the safest option. It can blend with any sort of personality. Along with this, the single most important aspect of your shirt or t-shirt is quick-drying capacity.
Tip 2

Chinos and yoga pants will cover you up completely, but it is not an apt option for water adventures and beach outings. Denim shorts are making quite the comeback in 2017. However, the best way to turn heads is to flaunt your masculinity in a sexy men’s bikini swimwear. Modern trends dictate that men’s swimwear should end a few inches above the knee, baring a bit of thigh.
Tip 3

Regardless of the occasion, the ensemble can help you dress to the nines. Choose the right set of accessories to don a galvanizing appearance. Sunglasses, a bracelet, a hat and hot-looking stubble, is all you need for this season. The aviator sunglasses goes well with all sorts of personality. Make sure that the eyewear has UV protection feature. Chlorine, sand, and water can wreak havoc your hair making it frizzy and unruly. The cream that you’ve applied may get washed away as well. So, remember to cover your head with a hat. Cap gives a very boyish look while the hat is more of gentleman accessory. So, go for a subtle and sophisticated style of hat.
Tip 4

Given the sandy conditions, flip-flops are the easiest choice. Sneaker, loafers and other such casual footwear style do not qualify for such places. The low profile of flip-flops and sandals are perfectly suited for transportation and for long walks at the shore. Furthermore, their rubber construction is easily cleaned, an important attribute for beach attire.
Tip 5

Groom well before you tan yourself. Apply a thick layer of sunscreen on the face and every body part that guys to the sun. The lotion should have SPF 50 or more. The chlorine water adds to the trouble during such adventures. A big mistake that most guys make is not reapplying the lotion after coming out of the water. So, remember to apply a thick layer of moisturizer and sunscreen after you’re done with all the fun. Use protection even in cloudy weather. The scorching heat of sun may lead to dehydration which is equally harmful to your skin. So, drink a lot of water and keep yourself hydrated and safe from the heat stroke.
Are you ready to rock the tan this season? Share your holiday plans in the comment below.